Practice of Criminology Defined. - A person is deemed to be engaged in the practice of Criminology if he holds himself out to the public in any of the following capacities:
- As a professor, instructor or teacher in Criminology in any university, college or school duly recognized by the government and teaches any of the following subjects: (a) Law Enforcement Administration, (b) Criminalists, (c) correctional Administration, (d) Criminal Sociology and allied subjects, and (e) other technical and specialized subjects in the Criminology curriculum provided by the Department of Education.
- As law enforcement administrator, executive, adviser, consultant or agent in any government or private agency.
- As technician in dactyloscopy, ballistics, questions documents, police photography, lie detection, forensic chemistry and other scientific aspects of crime detection.
- As correctional administrator, executive supervisor, worker or officer in any correctional and penal institution.
- As counselor, expert, adviser, researcher in any government or private agency on any aspects of criminal research or project involving the causes of crime, juvenile delinquency, treatment of offenders, police operations, law enforcement administration, scientific criminal investigation or public welfare administration.
Privileges of certified criminologists. All certified criminologists shall be exempt from taking any other entrance or qualifying government or civil service examinations and shall be considered civil service eligibles to the following government positions: (1) dactylographer, (2) ballistician, (3) questioned document examiner, (4) correctional officer, (5) law enforcement photographer, (6) lie detection examiner, (7) probation officer, (8) agents in any law enforcement agency, (9) security officer, (10) criminal investigator, or (11) police laboratory technician. Certified criminologists shall be eligible for appointment as Partrolman in chartered cities and municipalities, provided they posses the general qualifications for appointment provided in Section nine, Republic Act Numbered Forty-eight hundred and sixty-four.*
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